About Me

Introduction : Hello! thanks for opening my blog, you may be viewing my blog as a friend or as a backstabber or you may be my well-wisher or you may be trying to be my good enemy.

I am Jitendra Hegde. Born in Mumbai on 13/3/1991. Hometown ajekar near Karkala. Dad and mother was a tailor , Brother is working in Awrostamani Group as Branch Manager in Dubai, sister is working stays in Oman ,  both are married and settled there.

Education. :  Completed graduation From poornaprajna college in 2012.Currently doing MBA in Justice K S Hegde institute of management and giving my C.A exams

Work Experience : Completed my 3 years C.A articleship under C.A R.G Hegde and CO. During this I learnt how to maintain the books of accounts of a company, did some companies internal audit, got some knowledge in direct and indirect taxes.

Hobbies and Achievements:  I play badminton, t.t, volleyball, snooker and I play most of the badminton tournaments and won many prizes.

Goals: To start my own business either it may be in manufacturing sector or trading sector

Proud to be: And I am proud to be that I do part time work in relating to direct and indirect tax.

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