Thursday 31 December 2015

Learnt something new from this subject,which leads to creativity !!!

  The thing I learned the most about in JKSHIM nitte was how to manage my time and organize my assignments. This class will become the foundation of how I go about things academically in college, I hope business communication will assist me into getting good grades this semester and it set me up to be a great student.
Prior to college I really didn’t have to manage my time but now its a must if I wouldn’t have found out this information I know I wouldn’t have made it as far in college as I have. The most valuable thing I learned about time management is to not go and try to do all of my work but better yet to go and pace myself to ensure I don’t burnout. By pacing myself I can complete a lot of work and it still have quality instead of my pushing myself through a ton of work and it end up being very sloppy.

I will implement what I’ve learned in this class to everything I do academically in college. The knowledge I obtained from this class was very key to how I go about all my assignments, academic integrity was somewhat of a no brainer and the majors, degree audits, etc wasn’t something I would deal with on a daily basis. What I learned in this class will keep me from corrupting my academic integrity, procrastinating, and doing poor work.
My learning style was kinesthetic, I believe this learning style developed through my learning

Experiment DaY 7:Tried saving petrol when riding bike!

Proper bike maintenance is something we must do anyway.

Driving at a steady speed is the tried and true way to save on fuel. Increasing and dropping the speed suddenly puts more pressure on the engine and the tank is empty in no time.
Keeping up the right tyre pressure and adjusting drive chain tension the right way are important. Riding zig zag at top speed upset these factors and use up more fuel.
See that your engine is always tuned and serviced frequently by a company authorized garage.
Always maintain low emission levels. This is how i tried to save petrol whiling riding bike

These are my seven days experiment ,which made me happy!! :)

Experiment DaY 6:Tried Hacking wifi password

In this modern time, nobody can even imagine there personal and professional life without internet connection. In this series,wireless connection has become popular. So i thought of hacking Wi-Fi password. WiHack is the first working program for hacking Wi-Fi. This project was developed as a special software to work with protected wireless networks. WiHack is an improved version of Wi-Fi Pirate 3 which I have previously tried to crack. This program is able to analyze wireless Wi Fi for the presence of insecurity, then it becomes possible to perform the main hacking features such as:
1)Get the Users List
2)Guess the network password.

Experiment DaY 5: Tried climbing tree

I am not an experienced or trained climber. It is the easiest, most relaxing, simplest way., I myself, hesitated to go as I am scared of heights but I thought it would be a nice challenge, and a good workout. I really enjoyed the experience and overcame my fears! At some times, it was very difficult I have to admit:-D

Experiment DaY 4 : Tried wheeling in Royal Enfield 350cc

Long time back one of my biker friends ,back in bangalore gave me a video of riders stunting on the Royal Enfield. I couldn't imagine what I saw. The way these guys are lifting the heavy bikes is just amazing. I ride Bullet, and the way clutch releases, it is next to impossible to lift the front, but these guys make it look so easy! There are quite a few number of Punjabi guys on Bullets in West Delhi, who have mastered the art of popping wheelies on the Bullet. Every one has an Addiction for stunts, Most probably in their teenage, but for some of us, who still have the JUNOON inside, Stunting is a bit of Adventure!
The stunt practices should be done with SAFETY MEASURES AND PRECAUTIONS.

Experiment DaY 3 : Tried dancing on stage

I have incredible reason, and motivation, for becoming a great dancer. Whenever  go to function there will be some persons who used to dance, this made me to learn dance. I thought the best possible way to start, is to take lessons at a reputable dance studio. But instead of going dance studio i thought to learn from Youtube. Movie the karate kid. Daniel had all the motivation to learn karate. He also tried to learn by taking matters into his own hands through a book. Now i can dance, but not like Michael Jackson :-D

Experiment Day2:Tried fasting

For the first time ,I tried fasting. It has been recommended as therapy for various conditions by health professionals of many cultures, throughout history, from ancient to modern. It is also a part of our religious observances, at the end of day I came to know that it is not only about a diet of burning calories. Its about burning ego, prides and sins.

Experiment DAY 1:Tried Cooking

When I was young, the kitchen had an invisible 'stop' sign put there by my mom. "No you cannot enter here!" she always said to me. Well, I really don't blame her as it is no place for kids. I was just left outside in awe, looking at what wonders the kitchen held. A few years passed by and I became very interested in food, both eating and preparing it. Nonetheless, the kitchen was still out of bounds so I couldn't experiment with cooking. But they couldn't stop me forever now, I did and later i came to know that i am good at eating and not at cooking

A day in Life

The first day of school has the biggest impact on me eventually turn out in the future. Many events have happened in my life long ago, some forgotten, and some I still distinctly remember.

In the beginning, I ventured into the small class room of nothing but new faces, which my parents called school. I remember before class I was the happiest kid on the planet knowing that I would finally get to wear my uniform and bring out my new colorful Power Ranger back bag. On my 20 minute early arrival I remember I was hesitant and overwhelmed with the amount of kids. Although some of the kids were crying and pounding on the floor, I noticed some parents starting to leave. My mother looked at me and reassured that everything would be fine and gave me a peck on the cheek. She slowly walked away looking back a few times to check if I started to mingle with the other kids.

Luckily, I remember I seen my cousin. We instantly connected and before I knew it, it was time to go home. My first day of school was not only a success but it was such a great event in my life that it will always remain fresh in my memory. Having English as my second language, I recall being nervous and skeptical about speaking and writing in English, to top it off I was incredibly shy so that didn't help out my situation.
I feared that I would have no friends. I even feared the teachers for some odd reason. Little did I know the teachers were very affectionate and helped me get over my fear and nervousness


The things from whom I learnt most

Older Brother and sister are like sweet. Even though they sometimes make your eyes twitch. They played a big leadership role on me.

No matter the situation or problem social, personal, career-related my sister has always been there to give me sage advice and message. I am bit stubborn, but I learnt how to own up to my wrongful actions when I have my elder sister around.

My brother showed me that it was okay to be upset when i didn’t accomplish my goal. But more importantly he showed me just how hard I have to work to not experience that disappointment again.Life is serious enough, but having an older brother can teach to enjoy the humor of practical jokes. Learning to roll with the punches will teach to not take life so seriously and be able to laugh.

Wednesday 30 December 2015

"I found a 1000Rs note on the ground"

To my surprise, it was a busy road and nobody except me noticed it. I said  "lucky me" and picked it up. Though "A 1000 thoughts of what to do with the note came to my mind , I ignored them and looked around to check if the same person was actually searching for his lost money!!

Again, I found nobody !! So now my mind actually started to wonder on Thought of spending it.
Before I could decide upon 1 thought ,I saw a book stall nearby and 5 minutes later I had bought 5 books worth Rs 500 bucks. These books were for an NGO , I was associated for long now. Helping the underprivileged to grow was always my way of life.

From the remaining 500 .I kept 100 aside for me .Now the remaining 400 was spent in buying battery for my old cell phone, which was suppose to be put thrash long back.My phone was mended ,the simplest of model available today .I already had a better cell ,so sold it out for 700 bucks. Could not get more than that for the set. But hey!! I still made a profit of 300 here .Good deal!

Well and if you ask of remaining 100 that was kept for my friends who will be waiting for treat :-D.
So, I served them all with some snacks and tea!!
Finally, friends happy, NGO kids happy, the mobile fellow happy.
And obviously me happy with this 1000 Rs note!

Monday 21 December 2015

What we can do to nature

It has specific rule that live and let me live, if next generations wants to lead better life it is in the hands of this generation. We know global warming would destroy whole world one day, but taking responsible measure would save us and our nature to be in safe hands

Does nature help people financially

Nature is basic aspect for human survival, for every industry the first stage of raw material is obtained from nature. Like, wise now tourism has become major business in many parts. The climatic tourism gaining much popularity now a day’s this would depict that nature is mother than birth the only difference is mother gave birth nature baring us.

Do you think nature counters human’s action

We compare nature with women because they have much patience then men. But everything has a limit, even own mother who gave birth to her child cannot tolerate arrogance in some case. Like, wise when beings are not conscious and hurting nature even it acts back then earthquake, cyclone, Tsunami and acid rains etc are taking place. It maintains the rule that enjoy what you given to take back and enjoy.

Does nature speak

Nature is most powerful energy than humans. Before every disaster nature warns with some sort of signs before Tsunami it warned with big cyclone.

How people speak the nature has same tendency, it cannot speak but it conveys what it need to convey. At least 10 minutes a day spend alone with nature to experience what nature speaks to you.

What is nature

Nature is god for those who believe in god, because if people think that they are guided and surviving by god, then nature stands before with supreme proud as a god. Because to survive what a person has been given by nature like air, water, fire and food. Then why cannot nature be a god.