Thursday 31 December 2015

Learnt something new from this subject,which leads to creativity !!!

  The thing I learned the most about in JKSHIM nitte was how to manage my time and organize my assignments. This class will become the foundation of how I go about things academically in college, I hope business communication will assist me into getting good grades this semester and it set me up to be a great student.
Prior to college I really didn’t have to manage my time but now its a must if I wouldn’t have found out this information I know I wouldn’t have made it as far in college as I have. The most valuable thing I learned about time management is to not go and try to do all of my work but better yet to go and pace myself to ensure I don’t burnout. By pacing myself I can complete a lot of work and it still have quality instead of my pushing myself through a ton of work and it end up being very sloppy.

I will implement what I’ve learned in this class to everything I do academically in college. The knowledge I obtained from this class was very key to how I go about all my assignments, academic integrity was somewhat of a no brainer and the majors, degree audits, etc wasn’t something I would deal with on a daily basis. What I learned in this class will keep me from corrupting my academic integrity, procrastinating, and doing poor work.
My learning style was kinesthetic, I believe this learning style developed through my learning

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