Friday 1 January 2016

ChaPter 1:The Two Main Parts OF Grammer

The first chapter  Says us to forget everything about grammar which is taught to us in our school level. Noun, verb pronouns never make the sense. It will not help us to put our thoughts into the sentences. In all languages there will be only 2 working parts

New things learnt

1.The 1st thing that I learnt was to forget everything that I learnt from about grammar. I came to know that there are only 2 main parts of grammar those are Picturing word and connecting word

2.A picturing word is a word that carries a built in picture within i

3.A connecting word is a word that connects a picturing word.

Things that I already knew
1.Picture that comes to our mind when we hear the picture word is different from picture that comes to other’s mind.

2.We see nothing when we hear any connecting words.

3.Some picture words carries with it more than one kind of picture.

Mistakes that I made while solving the questions

1.I was not able to understand certain questions

2.I could not able to think of answer to some of the questions


Concept which i used to connect blog posts.

I actually didn't use picture in my blog posts. But now I think I can correct it by using the concept of Picturing word as well as the connecting words.


I can apply this mainly while writing assignments because there will be lot of mistakes. In Marketing there is an assignment of blog writing so i can use these 2 concepts.

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