Friday, 1 January 2016

Chapter 10:Elaboration -How to develop your flow of thought from sentence to sentence

Words combine to form images, then images combine to form the sentence, sentence combined to form the core ideas and this is elaboration. The process of elaboration is explained here.

Grammar is the tool we use to tie all our ideas together. Process of developing flow of thought from sentence to sentence is called as elaboration. It involves 3 steps: choosing the core idea, choosing the way we want to elaborate it, choosing the way we are going to bridge it into core idea.

There are 2 ways of elaborating the sentence:

1. Reason why
2. Narrative sequence.

New things that I have learnt from this chapter:

1.I learnt that even if the sentences are long/short the sentences should be understandable to reader.

2. I learnt that narrative sequence is the most common elaboration structure used.

3. I learnt that we have to keep our first definition has simple as possible.

4.How is it summarized

5.How is it transferred to write core idea

6.Goal of the process should be mentioned in the beginning

Things that I already knew about this chapter

1.I knew If we are dealing with complicated process that requires number of short, separate steps.

2.I knew Process of developing flow of thought from sentence to sentence is called elaboration.

3. I knew that logic consists of facts.

Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter

1.I was watching t.v while solving this chapter
2. Took lot of time to solve all questions

Correcting blog posts using this chapter

I can change my blog by using learning points of this chapter and elaborating my thought by using a general rule of this chapter.

Future use

This can help me in exams in writing theory subjects. Even in final year projects i can learn a lot from it. It can help me in writing anything which is needed in our day to day life.

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