Friday 1 January 2016

Chapter 9:How to use the clarity principle to build with,Symbolism,and suspense into your writing

This chapter showed what is wit, symbolism and suspense and how to build it into our writing. It also showed how to use clarity principle. Only when we make it clear our purpose of communication is met.
New things learnt

1. I came to know that multiple meanings were called pivot words.
2. There are 3 types of pivots Wit, Pun, Suspense.
3. I learnt that by using clarity principle we can add style to our writing, we can influence people, we can have fun also deep emotions.

Things that I already knew about this chapter

1. I knew how to correct sentences that contains ambiguity.

Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter

I made minor error while solving this chapter.

Correcting blog posts using this chapter

I can correct my blog posts by adding multiple meanings to the words by using the 3 types of pivots- Wit, Pun and Suspense which can surely give spice to my blog even I can make it more funny or emotional.

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