Friday 1 January 2016

Chapter7:How to avoid monotony-so that your reader enjoys your sentence at the same time that he or she learns from them

This is about avoiding monotony. In this chapter we make the sentences repetitious and short and transform them into longer sentences which is still understood by the reader.

New things learnt

1. I learnt when monotony occurs.

2. I came to know that forward signalling connectors are 1st cousins of dependent connectors.

Things that I already knew about this chapter

I knew only a few concepts about this chapter.

Mistakes that I made while solving this chapter

I found some difficulties solving the 5st question and even the 9thone.

Writing blog posts using this chapter
I can correct my blog by breaking the overlong sentences and transform into a shorter one .

Applying to other subjects

I can use this while writing exams I can make long sentences into a shorter one and make more sentences out of them. I can use this in all the subjects

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